Saturday, June 30, 2007

23 things #8

I created my bloglines account and subscribed to a number of feeds. I think that I'll reserve judgement on usefullness of this one, for me personally, for the time being. There really isn't any site that I feel like I have to check regularly. It's more like I check them if I have a moment and if I miss something it isn't devastating. So now, I will be checking a bloglines account and due to the nature of some of the sites I subscribed to, there will be numerous updates. So will I be spending more time scrolling through them? Only time will tell.

I love the idea of being able to subscribe to a specific blog. I subscribed to the system's Innovation Blog. That is one that I keep meaning to check but never seem to. So now I'll know if something new has been added!

Well, I seem to have gotten through thing 8, and if that's the hardest one, I guess I'm doing better that I thought.

1 comment:

jamie said...

I agree! If I have lots of time, I'll check lots of blogs! If I have a little time, I'll just look at 1 or 2. I know they're all out there, but if I don't have time to explore, I don't want/need it to stack up and remind me!