Friday, September 28, 2007

23 things #23!

I'm done! Woo Hoo! There were many times in the last month or so that I didn't think I was going to make it. I really enjoyed this project. It forced me to challenge myself, to step out of the non-technological zone that I'd stumbled into sometime in the last 10 years. While I am by no means an expert in any of this, I feel like I can now hold my own. Or I can at least recognize the service without responding to the customers with a blank smile. (You want to know about what?)

I thought that the hands one approach to this project was really helpful to me. If I had just read about this, I wouldn't have gotten nearly as much out of it. The exercises were just enough to give you an introduction and were not too overwhelming.

I found, to my surprise, that I actually kind of like the whole blog process. I have started another one which details a personal reader's advisory project I'm working on. It's called "Fallston and Abingdon's Adventures in Reading". You can check it out if you like at:

I also happy to say that a cousin of mine was so impressed with what we were learning that it inspired her to try to learn some of it as well.

So, anyway, I guess this is the end for now. I hope to continue investigating web 2.0 technologies in an effort to keep myself more up-to-date. Thanks so much for giving us this opportunity to play and learn!

1 comment:

ann said...

What a great blog! I really like your avatar with the library background. Your readers' advisory blog sounds great, and I will visit it. Hope you are well and have a great holiday season.